Make your contribution here.
"We've been here before. We know how to fight. I love you." Sage wisdom from Erin Jacobsen, VAAP co-founder and fellow "dirty immigration lawyer" (as we were all called by Attorney General Jeff Sessions during the first Trump Administration). I have re-read Erin's November 6th text message a thousand times. We HAVE been here before. We DO know how to fight. BUT, as a small team of lawyers with no administrative, media, IT, or fundraising support, VAAP is already struggling to sustain our efforts to address the overwhelming demand for our immigration legal expertise. So, please, help us help you! Sustain our work by donating what money you can, so our tiny team can relax about the fundraising and focus on the lawyering. No amount is too small to matter, and every amount is deeply appreciated. Remember: We've been here before and we know how to fight. I love you.